Hearing loss is an incredibly common condition, with approximately 15% of Americans aged 18 or older reporting some trouble hearing. If you or someone you love has hearing loss, you may need to take extra precautions to keep your home safe.
Hearing Loss Poses Home Safety Complications
If someone tries to break into your house by opening an exterior door or window, you might not hear it if you have hearing loss. While traditional security systems use an audible alarm to alert you to trouble, they may also be more difficult to hear.
The same is true for fire alarms, smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Carbon monoxide leaks may be especially dangerous for those with hearing loss as it is an odorless and colorless gas that doesn’t have other sensory cues like smoke or fire do.
Alerts for Those Hard of Hearing
Thankfully modern technology has adapted to give people with hearing loss better options for alerting them of potential home safety issues.
You can purchase smoke and fire alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, and security systems for your home that utilize things like extra loud alarms or flashing strobe lights to alert you to any dangers.
There are also bed-vibrating alarms. These include a component that goes under your pillow or mattress and shakes you awake to alert you of dangers. Some models will even include a corresponding digital display that says “FIRE” in bright orange letters to help get your attention.
Enhancing Current Alarms to Help You Hear
If you do not want to replace all of your current smoke detectors you can purchase an alerting device that can detect the noise coming from your existing smoke detector and produce a louder, lower-pitched alarm in response. Both the volume and the frequency should be much easier for those with hearing loss to pick up.
Depending on what technology you choose you may require professional installation. However, you can also visit hardware stores in Jefferson County and find models that you are able to install yourself.
Use Hearing Aids to Better Detect Sound
Hearing aids don’t just help you follow conversations in places like West 29th Restaurant and Bar, they can also improve your ability to detect concerning sounds and alarms. While you should take them out when you are sleeping or getting in the shower, they can offer additional protection when wearing them during all other waking hours.
If you already have a pair, wear them consistently for the most benefit. If you are dealing with untreated hearing loss, contact Advantage ENT & Audiology today and schedule an appointment for a hearing test to protect your ears and help keep you safe.