A number of different conditions may cause the unpleasant sensation of burning in the throat. Let’s go over a few common causes, as well as when to see a doctor and potential treatment options.
Conditions That Cause a Throat Burning Sensation

- Acid reflux. Reflux occurs when stomach acid flows up into the esophagus. When this happens regularly, it’s often referred to as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), with the most classic symptom being heartburn. However, sometimes acid rises up to the throat and voice box. This is referred to as laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). Many people with LPR don’t experience classic heartburn but rather a sore or burning throat as their primary symptom.
- Infections. Many viral infections can cause pain in the throat, in addition to symptoms like coughing, sneezing, nasal congestion and fever. Additionally, strep throat is a bacterial infection that can cause a severe sore throat or throat burning as well.
- Postnasal drip. Also referred to as upper airway cough syndrome, postnasal drip occurs when mucus and fluid from the sinuses and nose drain into the back of your throat. As the name suggests, people who have it can usually feel something dripping in their throat. This drainage can be irritating and cause a burning sensation. It is a symptom of many other conditions and can be caused by things like sinus infections, allergies and a deviated septum, among other things.
- Esophagitis. This condition is an inflammation of the esophagus and can cause throat burning. It’s often caused by GERD; however, it can also be caused by certain medications, infections, food allergies and as a side effect of radiation to the neck area.
Relieving a Burning Throat Sensation
Improving symptoms of a burning throat will depend on what is causing your symptoms. For instance, with many common viral infections, a few days’ rest, plenty of liquids and over-the-counter pain relievers is often enough to recover from your illness and improve your symptoms.
However, if your symptoms last more than a few days or become severe, you should make an appointment with your medical provider to determine a cause and come up with treatment solutions which may include:
- Antibiotics for strep throat.
- Medications like proton pump inhibitors, which reduce the amount of stomach acid production.
- Dietary changes like swapping out fried or high-fat foods for lean protein and vegetables when shopping at the Arvada Farmers Market.
- Treating pre-existing conditions like allergies or a deviated septum to relieve postnasal drip.
If you have additional questions or would like your symptoms to be evaluated by an ENT specialist, call Advantage ENT & Audiology today.